Printable Version Web Site Terms
Website Guidelines & Rules

The use of the web site is a privilege and not a right. The web site Administrator reserves the right to remove or modify any member or member profile, or deny use of the web site to any user for any reason in order to maintain compliance with these rules.

  • Items which are considered offensive or not suitable for the general public of all ages will be removed at the sole discretion of the Administrator.
  • The Administrator retains the right to modify or remove any member at any time for any reason without prior notification to the member.
  • Only information believed to accurate will be posted to the web site, however the web site Author/Administrator is not responsible for any information that is found to be inaccurate.
  • Do not use any member’s email address or phone number to send email messages or make phone calls that are harassing and/or threatening in any way, or to solicit the sale of goods or services that have not been requested by the recipient.
  • No member of the Somerset / Kensal Green Homeowner's Association, Inc. may link to, or post any documents or any other information pertaining to or originating from this site or any other source, on any other website. Disregard of this Rule is a considered a violation of Rules of the HOA and may subject the perpetrator to fines or other disciplinary action.


Classified Ad Rules

  1. The use of the classifieds is a privilege and not a right. The web site administrator reservesthe right to remove or modify any ad at any time, or deny use of the classifieds to any user forany reason in order to maintain compliance with these rules.
  2. Advertised goods or services which are considered offensive or not suitable for the general public of allages will be removed at the sole discretion of the administrator.
  3. Please keep all advertisements as concise as possible, describing the most important features of the productor service you are selling. For additional detailed information, potential buyers can contact you personally.
  4. If your product or service has a web site available, please post a short, one-sentence description of thegoods or services being offered along with a link to your web site for further information.
  5. Excessively long advertisements may be modified by the administrator to comply with these guidelines.
  6. Do not use ALL CAPS for the item title or the description. This is considered "shouting" and isgenerally frowned upon as it usually makes the text more difficult to read. You may use caps for emphasison individual words as necessary, but please be judicious when doing so. If you post in all caps, your message maybe reformated by the administrator to bring it into compliance.
  7. The administrator retains the right to modify or remove any ad at any time for any reason without priornotification to the seller.
  8. The web site author/administrator is not responsible for any part of the purchase transactions conducted as aresult of classified ads placed on this web site. All transactions are between the seller and buyer, and thebuyer assumes all responsibility for their purchases.
  9. Do not use any seller's email address or phone number to send email messages or make phone calls that areharassing and/or threatening in any way, or to solicit the sale of goods or services that have not been requestedby the recipient.